April 14, 2023


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Why Does My Dog Get Zoomies?  

There are so many behaviors I commonly see in dogs that are generally misunderstood. Zoomies are a particularly interesting one – what gives our dogs these bursts of energy that send them spinning in circles? How should we manage it? What does it all mean? 

To understand zoomies, we must connect back to our relationships with our dogs and prioritize promoting a comfortable, calming environment. I’m here to demystify zoomies and help you find the root cause of your dog’s behaviors. (Hint – it’s all about grounding and embodying the alpha in our relationships).

Read next: Do You Know What The Common 8 Dog Behaviors Mean?

What Are Dog Zoomies? 

If you’ve seen your dog seemingly explode in energy and engage in frenetic periods of activity, you’re already familiar with zoomies. 

Anytime you see your dog experience a burst of energy, or overactivation, you’re seeing zoomies. At its core, it’s a physical expression of this overstimulation our dogs sometimes experience. Oftentimes, zoomies come with a sense of chaos and madness, and it’s essential we understand why these behaviors happen and what they mean to better understand our animals and form meaningful relationships with them.

Zoomies: From Your Dog’s POV

Think about it from your dog’s perspective – when you’re feeling amped up, you expel energy. Maybe it’s right after coming in from the outside or experiencing excitement or action, but that’s usually not the root cause of zoomies. 

Fundamentally, when our dogs behave this way and engage in zoomies, they are trying to communicate with us. Not only communicate, but impart the message that some sort of physical or emotional need of theirs is not being met. Listening to our dogs and taking on their perspective to understand the logic driving their behaviors is the most important part of developing an understanding and connection with your canine. 

It’s easy to forget, but zoomies are not a typical behavior for dogs. Dogs in their neutral state are not sprinting around and engaging in crazy behavior. Though zoomies can be sensationalized online and have seemingly trivial implications, this communication from our dogs is meaningful and we must pay attention to it. 

So, Why Does Your Dog Get Zoomies?

Let’s get into the root causes. As I mentioned previously, sometimes it really is just a response to excitement or coming in from a walk, things along those lines. But if you ask me, this really isn’t the core of the issue. Think about when you see your dog engaging in zoomies – what behaviors came before or after, whether it was eating, exercising, interacting with other dogs. 

In my work, I commonly see zoomies as a result of some sort of dietary issue or a surplus of sugar in their diet. Usually it’s tangibly tied to the diet our dogs have and the ways this may be ultimately failing them. Much like with the food we encounter, dog food is packed with sugar – and the diets many choose for their canine companions promote zoomies, which are essentially “sugar rushes.” 

When it comes to nutrition, I believe a holistic approach is key to working with our dogs’ individual needs and finding a diet that works for them. Take some time to reflect on what you are feeding your dog – because they ultimately have no say – it’s our job as the embodied alpha and caretaker in the relationship to provide them with a healthy diet.

Read next:  Your Introduction to Holistic Dog Care

How to React to Dog Zoomies

One of the biggest problems I encounter in my work is seeing clients and dog owners who completely humanize and even encourage zoomies. It can be tempting to dismiss them as a cute, erratic behavior from your animal, but remember this is their way of communicating to us their needs are not being met. 

Sensationalizing zoomies and responding verbally in ways that encourage our animals to continue engaging in them through things like laughter send our dogs the complete wrong message. It’s one thing to let our dogs explore and expel energy in the context of playing with other animals at the park or in the appropriate setting, but random instances of zoomies are a different situation.The most important thing here is to ground their energy as soon as possible. 

Ultimately, our relationships with our animals are tangibly tied to how we position them in our relative environments. Grounding truly is the most important thing in your canine relationship. Once you identify zoomies occurring, it is the number one priority to fill the environment with calm energy and a tranquil atmosphere and promote your role as the embodied alpha. 


We set the tone for our animals. Creating an environment that welcomes them and promotes peace is central to managing behaviors, especially zoomies. Remember, though your first reaction may be to dote over your dog and consider their zoomies “cute,” it really is a deeper signifier of potential issues. If you’re seeing zoomies frequently in your dog, take some time to dissect their diet and really familiarize yourself with the ingredients you are feeding them. 

Ultimately, a happy dog is a calm dog. Work on grounding both yourself and your dog – it not only will minimize behaviors like zoomies, but allow your dog to think better and find more clarity in the context of their lives. We want our dogs to be happy and healthy. Take on the role of the embodied alpha and define the narrative in your relationship with your canine, it’s a win-win for all parties involved. 

To learn more about defining a successful relationship with your dog, you won’t want to miss enrolling in my Embodied Alpha Masterclass.

Sasha Armstrong

Founder of Canine State of Mind

A place where dog parents can learn more about canine behavior and how to create the environment for a closer relationship with their dog.



Understanding Energetic Cues and Expressions in Dogs

Transforming your relationship with your dog requires understanding how they view our world and communicate in it. Learning to read your dog’s energetics and cues goes beyond interpreting their behavior–it’s about cultivating a profound connection to our canine companions. In this comprehensive guide, you will learn to:
  • Decode canine energetic cues
  • Become a confident and peaceful leader capable of meeting your dog’s needs
  • Foster trust, respect, and empathy with your dog
  • Ensure your dog feels safe + valued
  • Cultivate a deep sense of of purpose in your own life

My gift to you